• About Us

    We believe that care is about supporting and caring

We believe that “All people” should be celebrated and deserve a good quality of life. We make them feel that they matter even to the last moment of their lives.

Golden Hands guarantee that every family member can pursue their life goals knowing that their loved ones are in safe hands.

We provide dependable, one-on-one care for people with special needs, no matter what age or condition. Offering flexible hourly and around-the-clock services, our Care Team matches your loved one’s.

It’s part of our responsibility to make sure the disability population is represented in leadership and throughout the staff. Research shows that doing so is a key component to doing better on disability issues across the board.

At Golden Hands we believe People with disabilities have valuable insight and experience to share as it pertains to disability inclusion (as well as to every other issue apart from disability). Just like when organizations take on issues that affect people of different racial, ethnic, or other backgrounds, people with disabilities should also be involved in working on matters that impact them in their home and society at large.


Elevating the standard of care – one client at a time, we envision a world in which homes, communities, and societies become safer, healthier, and environmentally more sustainable.


We care and support our people, clients, and communities. Family – We are a proud family business that welcomes everyone we work with to be part of our family.

Integrity: We have an uncompromising commitment to civility and ethical behavior. We play by the rules and do the right thing.

Responsibility: We are accountable to our clients, our colleagues, and the communities where we work. If we fall short, we own up, fix the problem, and get it right the next time.

Gratitude:  We value each other, our partners, and the role we play together to improve the well being of communities.

Excellence: We demand of ourselves the highest technical and professional standards. We celebrate innovation, learning, and service. We have an unwavering desire to “stretch,”as individuals and as an organization.

Global Citizenship: We are a global company with a global outlook. We depend on our diversity, respect the cultures in which we work, and treat everyone, everywhere with professionalism and dignity. We thrive on collaboration with our partners around the world and share with them the hope that our work will leave the world a better place.